If it's been happening for a while and you've ignored it, you can't just uninstall the last app you installed.
To view the images, whitelist this page in your ad blocker's settings. The headline contains the word 'ads,' and it's used in the images' file names, so some ad blockers will block the images just for containing that keyword. Note: If you're not seeing images in this article, it's likely your ad blocker. Likely one that seemed to have legitimate functionality, and probably even an app you installed from Google Play. The type of popup that appears even when you're not interacting with your phone is always caused by an adware app. So that's not the type of ad we're dealing with here. But these ads are constrained to the app or website, and they only show up when you're actively using it - they shouldn't ever pop up when you're using a different app or not using your phone at all. There are popups all over the web and ads in many free apps, but that's to be expected. But people either don't know this (so they don't know they just need to find and uninstall the problematic app), or if they do know it's a bad app, they don't know which app is causing it. The answer? You have a shady app on your phone and it started showing full screen ads. 'Why do I keep getting popups on my phone when I'm not even doing anything?' I see this question asked all the time.